Farewell to the March Challenge, Hello to New Beginnings!

M arch has come and gone like lightening

A nd yet I’ve managed to write each day

R eflecting on my month overall…

C an it be true that I mostly posted late in the day?

H ow did that happen and why?


C areful consideration leads me to believe

H ad I done my writing earlier each day

A nd posted at a reasonable morning hour

L ots more comments would have followed.

L ate is better than never but not by much

E very post I read I enjoyed

N ext year I’ll try to be more disciplined

G oodbye for now to all you stalwart writers

E ndings lead to new beginnings. Enjoy them all!

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

12 thoughts on “Farewell to the March Challenge, Hello to New Beginnings!”

  1. Your acrostic tells the story of your month, and it sounds a lot like mine. I’m a night writer and a first time slicer. I’d love to figure out how to post earlier, but I also know I’ve always done my best writing later in the day. One of my goals for next year is to set aside more time for comments for fellow late slicers and your post reminded me that it’s important so we all feel the comment love!!!


    1. Ah….a kindred spirit! One thing about late Slicing is that you don’t get many comments. So that’s not very motivating. However give yourself a hug for doing the whole month. It’s a real marathon and only the strong survive! I’ll look for your posts as I reread some to make some comments I didn’t have time for earlier in the month. See you next year!

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    1. No apology needed. I barely got through the month…sometimes posting almost at midnight. I, too, need to go back and reread/comment on some slices. Time just kept slipping between my fingers. But I did it (almost…there’s still tomorrow!) Will I see you at the LIWP yoga/writing Sat.?


    1. When I completely run out of ideas as I did today, I can always rely on an acrostic. Thanks for responding to my posts throughout the month. I’ve been delinquent about that, but I’ll make it up to you!


  2. I like your acrostic poem! My posts got later and later throughout the month, until I became a late-nighter the last few nights. I’d like to be an early morning slicer, but that would involve getting up much earlier…and that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. So, c’est la vie! 🙂 ~JudyK 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a soul sister to you when it comes to early rising…not gonna’ happen unless for something REALLY IMPORTANT! But we write as much for ourselves as for our fellow writers, so I say “You go girl!”


  3. Where does the time go! I’ve been meaning to get to your blog all month long. I blinked and March was over! This year I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find time each night, so I started writing about a week ahead of time, so that I always had 3-4 posts ready ahead of time. I ran out of pre-written posts about a week ago, but it helped so much to have something ready to go every morning.

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  4. So nice to hear from you. I have been late to post each day and delinquent often in leaving comments. I plan to revisit the March Challenge posts and comment for the next two weeks. That said, Please read my post for today, “the march challenge is a small rebellion…” I felt very inspired by something I read that inspired me to write this “reflective” post. Finally, thanks for all your hard work, and to the other staff as well.


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