Saturday Haiku: After the Storm

After the Storm

nor’easter over, skies blue
son’s flight delayed due to gusts
I resume Saturday chores

birds at the feeder this morning
ducks in the swollen harbor
I wonder if the new eagle’s nest survived

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

11 thoughts on “Saturday Haiku: After the Storm”

  1. Love your haiku and I hope the nest survived. We’re headed to the airport to pick up son and family from the east coast. So glad the weather didn’t affect their travel plans.


    1. We were lucky, but it did take my son all day to get home. First, a delay in takeoff; then the plane grounded in Baltimore; another delay of several hours; then after trying to land, the plane turned around and went back to Baltimore. He eventually got home, by cab, with three other passengers. I’ll be checking on the nest soon…let you know!

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