Cold Haiku

(Above photo: the bird feeder in our backyard)

I kept saying “we’re going to have a late winter.” And here it is. A few days from the start of Spring, after Daylight Savings Time, and so many plants and trees have already started to bud…a Nor’Easter! Hope you’re all safe and warm and enjoying your snow day.


snowed in
no birds visit
after the storm

Silver-blue sunset
ducks and geese huddle
at melted edge of pond

two bundled figures
bent at a 45 degree angle
into the windy cold air

Barbara Suter

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

12 thoughts on “Cold Haiku”

  1. Brrr, your words and photo gave me a chill. 🙂 Glad to read that it’s not as bad and melting quickly. Right now, I have a snow shower but it is not sticking. Yay!


  2. So my “cold haiku” worked! Weren’t you worried about those peach trees just the other day? Our seasons are very confused. This worries me. Right now, it is raining on Long Island and the snow is melting. Not quite the nor’easter that was predicted, but it did give everyone the day off!


  3. I love the images you created with words! Yes ‘the seasons are confused’ everywhere. Ghana is so hot and it should be the beginning of the the rainy season which is slightly cooler!

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