Quietness is Underrated

If you’ve followed my recent posts you know there was much excited anticipation about Easter, followed by a disaster…food poisoning from a meal the night before on the actual day. We muddled through, and now we are back to our familiar routines…almost.

It’s so quiet in the house. My daughter is at work. My husband is quietly reading the newspaper somewhere. My son, who has recovered from his food poisoning, is also tucked away, probably in his room on his iphone. I am alone at the kitchen table with the marzipan lamb that no one wants to eat, including me.

I savor the quiet as much as the excitement. The kitchen clock is ticking; the bluejays are squawking outside as they usually do. I have the space at the kitchen table and the quiet time I need to write my slice which will not be very elaborate today.

Today is a day for regrouping and moving on. Another holiday has passed. Time to pick up the reins and get back in the saddle. Just a few days left before the poetry workshop I am presenting on Saturday. There’s still lots to do. Quiet is important. It restores balance and makes space for whatever comes next. I am as grateful now for the quiet times as I am for the anticipation of events. Must be a sign of age.

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

20 thoughts on “Quietness is Underrated”

  1. Yes I think appreciation of quiet is part of aging, and I love it! I could picture you writing in the quiet with the clock and the squawking jays… I felt calm too.


  2. Barbara, I am so sorry that your Easter lamb is not being touched due to an unfortunate incident ( should read your post about it). Also, I want to tell you that I would have loved to attend your poetry workshop but unfortunately cannot. I hope you post about it.


  3. I have come to appreciate the quiet more and more. I am reading this in early morning when the only sound is the clicking of my fingers on the keys and my sleeping dog. This time helps me prepare for the day ahead. And read slices. Hope your family is on the mend.


  4. After a houseful of noise and chaos when everyone leaves, I sit and am almost sure I can still hear laughter bouncing off the walls I miss everyone. My favorite line in your post is, “Quiet is important. It restores balance and makes space for whatever comes next.” Love reading your stories. Good luck on Saturday! 🙂


    1. I really enjoyed your comment about “laughter bouncing off the walls” and how you miss everyone. I miss them, too. But I know they’ll be back, and meantime I can enjoy the luxury of alone time which was so nonexistent for so many years.

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    1. Now I can devote some time to the Saturday event. Thanks for your encouragement. I wish all my Slicer friends could be there with me! And, yes, I am savoring the quiet time (except for that ceaseless March wind blowing today).


  5. I am all for quiet time. After all of the running we did the last three days and we still have three more days coming up, I am looking forward to a time when I can just be.


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