Multitasking Interferes with Blogging This Week!

(Salut au Monde, Walt Whitman University of Delaware Library)

Dear Friends…I know we are all in the same boat, paddling as fast as we can and trying not to keep the boat from sinking. Today I find myself bailing water as a result of too many commitments happening at once.

I know I promised a blog about the next stop on my journey through Greece….Mykonos…but I will have to put that off for the next two weeks to make room for a project almost a year in the works and is now finally happening. What follows is some of the copy from a flyer advertising the project in which I am currently immersed:

“The influx of immigrants to the United States over the past several decades has brought new attention to the question: Who is an insider and who is an outsider in our nation?” (Barbara Suter)

About the Project
“With so much debate taking place in our nation about the pros and cons of immigration, this presentation could not be more timely. During a week-long in-school workshop, an eleventh-grade English Regents class from Hicksville High School, which includes both English-speaking and English Language Learners, will be introduced to the poem Salut au Monde by Walt Whitman. The culmination of the workshop will include a tour of the Walt Whitman Birthplace. The day will conclude with a student performance of the verses the students have written, in the style of Whitman, expressing their own thoughts and feelings about being an outsider or insider in America.

Join us in this unique celebration of the poetry of Walt Whitman and of the students who will be sharing their interpretations of his poetry.”

Wish me luck!!!

(To be continued next week)

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

6 thoughts on “Multitasking Interferes with Blogging This Week!”

  1. Oh boy. I understand how you feel. I am a kindergarten intern and full time college student. Overwhelmed is the perfect word to desicbe my weekly days. However, I can not wait to see how things go!!!! I’ll be keeping my eyes out for your next post! XOXO šŸ™‚


    1. It seems that those who are “engaged” meaningful work, are usually overcommitted. It’s ok to feel this way once in a while, but it’s not a good habit to get into. In my case, overlapping projects was a result of deadlines set by other organizations. Yet, I didn’t want to give up either one of them. I have learned: This, too, shall pass! And I just need to keep a cool head and I will survive! Good luck with your endeavors and brava to your efforts.


  2. Oh, my, what a wonderful experience for these high school grade 11 students. Beautiful! That is one of my favorites from Walt Whitman… “…I hear the tale of the divine life and bloody death of the beautiful God, the Christ…” He has a way with words!
    Have a wonderful time! Wow, all the best. I will look forward to reading about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, he does indeed “have a way with words.” It’s not easy to communicate this to a group of 16/17 year olds who are barely literate and have never read poetry before this, but we’re trying! Thanks for your good wishes.


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