It’s Saturday and Everybody Is Busy!

Today turned out to be a busy day in our household. I had thought about doing some yardwork and then taking a walk. But things turned our very differently.

First I spent some time reading the responses to my post for today: Egg Sandwiches At the Beach With My Daughter. I hit the jackpot today with this post and got so many wonderful responses from people who talked about their own mother-daughter rituals, or moments with other significant people in their lives that this post reminded them of. I also think that because it was Saturday and everyone had a few moments to be more leisurely that I got more responses than I otherwise would have. Whatever the reason, I am pleased.

After finally pulling myself away from the computer to get dressed, I began to pick up the assorted piles we always seem to accumulate during the week no matter how much I fight it. It’s like an incoming tide that I can’t stop no matter how many dams I build! One thing led to another…folding laundry, cleaning up breakfast and lunch dishes, opening the mail, and before you knew it, it was 1:30.

I stepped outside to ask a carpenter friend who’s replacing a wall of shingles on our house if he’d like some coffee, or iced tea.


Just at that moment my husband stopped doing his yard work to ask if anyone would like an apple turnover, which he announced is his Saturday ritual. We all said “yes” and off he went to collect them.

My daughter was busy in the back yard setting up a work area to photograph the jewelry she makes to sell on Etsy, a site devoted to people selling their own crafts.


This season she has made tiny bird nests in silver or gold, with eggs in them of different colors, and fashioned them into adorable necklaces. (Please let me know if you want one; they’re reasonably priced and make the perfect gift for your favorite “girl(s)).


My husband returned with sfogliatella, Italian clamshell pastries, because the apple turnovers were all sold out.


We took the tarp off our patio table and dragged it to the center of the patio where the four of us, me, my husband, my daughter and our carpenter/friend took a tea/coffee/pastry break together. I was able to grab a photo of my “favorite place to blog” as we sat and talked about our recent holiday trip to Germany, trading tidbits of information. His wife is East German and he lived in Berlin a while ago, so he was eager to hear about our experiences.

Half an hour later, as a chill set in about 3:30, we ended our conversation and prepared to return to our various tasks. My new dove friend arrived on schedule on the garden wall to let me know the afternoon was passing quickly and I needed to finish whatever I was doing.


Back into the house to check on the thawed ground turkey breast I’m using to make turkey tacos for dinner and, of course, a stop to look at the computer screen to see if there were any more comments which there were.

Now I’ve answered those and there’s nothing left to distract me from the vacuuming I must do today. The dust balls are getting as big as tumbleweed in my house. So that’s my Saturday, so far. A day completely unlike how I imagined it, but very satisfying in its own way.

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

20 thoughts on “It’s Saturday and Everybody Is Busy!”

  1. OK, it is 11:09 on March 12, and yet I am commenting on your post dated March 13. We live in the same time zone. I continue to be confused.

    However, I am not confused by how much I am enjoying your slices as you share your observations of your wonderful retirement days. How wonderful to be able to spend some time eating and chatting at the patio table, in March! If this warm weather is climate-change related, I hope we can flip a switch and get the climate to stay right here without going any further toward danger, because I’ll take this!


    1. If only it were so. I’m afraid there’s more to these early spring days than meets the eye. But I love them, too.
      It’s simple: I wrote the post earlier today; then published it at about 9pm. But I don’t post it to TWT until after midnight. I think you see it earlier because you are “following” me.


      1. I think WordPress must have servers in the UK, because my comment, posted at 11:09 p.m. EST on March 12, is listed as having been posted at 4:12 a.m. on March 13.


  2. I loved all the photos and would very much like to purchase two silver and one gold birds nest necklaces for my grand nieces – they are beautiful! I loved this piece. It is what usually happens to me on the weekend – I have glorious plans, but the weekend days disappear much faster than week days – or so it seems!


    1. My daughter is very excited about your interest in her jewelry. I think it’s best to get on Etsy to find her work and order the necklaces. If you have a problem, contact me or my daughter and we’ll take care of it. You’ll love the necklaces. Yes, weekends are fleeting and one must savor every moment.


    2. Please go to the Etsy site in my post and you will find the necklaces. At the moment, there are silver with various type of blue eggs, only. If you don’t mind waiting, Christine can make them for you. Take a peek…they’re all wonderful!


  3. Now that’s a great way to spend a Saturday! A few chores, some treats (they looked divine!), conversation, sunshine, sounds perfect to me. We can only wish for a few more like that.


  4. Love the photos. I think you are right about people having more leisurely time on the weekend. I would love a bird’s nest necklace for my wife. Please tell me how.


    1. First try getting on the Etsy website I included in my post to choose what you want. If you have any trouble let me know. Thanks so much for your support.

      By the way, I am unable to comment on your posts for some reason.


  5. Love this post! Sounds like the perfect family oriented Saturday- everyone doing their own thing but coming together for pastries and conversation.
    p.s. I love the necklaces and the way she photographed them.. I can imagine them doing very well on a site like etsy!


  6. I should write more slices like this, Barbara. It is simple, but beautiful at the same time. I love the dove coming right on schedule, the fact that you have a half-decent bakery nearby to enjoy luscious treats from, the sweet bird’s nest necklace, all of it. Thanks for a terrific read.


    1. I love that you’ve become a regular visitor to my site and my world. Yes, the small moments make the best Slices, don’t they? I’m getting better at it but for me it takes a lot of discipline because I’m so long-winded!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am always flattered by your reactions and responses to my writing, Barbara, so I try to visit your pieces, and respond to you as thoughtfully as I can at that moment. We are pretty much writing sisters 🙂


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