A Blogging Workshop Given By a Remarkable Educator!

I had been looking forward to today. I have been involved with the Long Island Writing Project (an offshoot of the National Writing Project) for several decades and today I attended a “Diving Into Blogging” workshop given by a friend of mine.


Kathleen and I first got to know each other when we both attended a LIWP workshop on writing about a year ago. She encouraged me to blog on the LIWP website, so I did. I was new at blogging and excited about trying something new and trendy since my retirement. Time went by and it soon became clear that she and I were the most avid bloggers on the site, and although we cheered each other on, we needed more of an audience to interact with.

Kathleen then encouraged me to join the SOL March Story Challenge last March, and again I jumped in. (I might even jump off a cliff if she asked me to.) That was a whole new ballgame. There was a plethora of responses every day to my blogs, including a daily one from Kathleen. I was in blogging heaven.


(The above photo is not me!)

A year has gone by and I am now in my second year of the SOL Challenge and have volunteered to be part of the Welcome Wagon for new writers. But it was time for me to expand my knowledge about blogging to include what is possible in the classroom vis a vis blogging.


As usual, Kathleen gave an outstanding presentation that included general information on the nature of blogging, how to set up your own blog, how to create blogging sites for your classroom for your students, and how to get involved as a first time blogger. She also showed us her own classroom site and examples of her students’ posts. She provided lists of resources for bloggers as well as other sites we could peruse. Blogging is a great way to get a reluctant writer to write, to develop a voice, to work on skills, to write for an audience. Even her third graders are blogging regularly this month.


Kathleen is the best example I know of an educator who practices what she preaches. She is curious, warm-hearted, kind, encouraging, smart, creative and the hardest working teacher I know. She is also a wife and a Mom to two very young children. Somehow, with all this going on in her life, she has time to connect with me and so many others and is able to make us all feel like we are very special to her. Oh, and did I mention she’s an outstanding, original writer? Somehow, going to a workshop presentation given by an accomplished teacher, seasoned blogger and technological whiz is so much more rewarding than those professional development sessions we are subjected to as teachers in our school buildings.


I celebrate you today, Kathleen, as a fellow blogger, an outstanding teacher, a caring wife and mother and my new, remarkable friend.

Published by

barbara suter

I'm a retired teacher who enjoys writing and sharing in this; unique blogging community.

22 thoughts on “A Blogging Workshop Given By a Remarkable Educator!”

  1. I love that we can find lots of blogging support out there. This sounds like a great program for educators. I miss the education world. That is why I like the Slice of Life posts; I get a glimpse back in. 😉


  2. That sounds like a terrific workshop! I was just looking into our local Writing Project workshops earlier today. Sounds like a great opportunity.


    1. I felt very fortunate to have the workshop be close enough for me to attend. And there are such talented people connected with the LIWP. I am, indeed, very fortunate to have such easy access.


    1. I feel so lucky to have met her and to have her consider me a friend. I couldn’t have found a better mentor at this stage in my life. Half my age, she is like another daughter to me…a very wise and caring one.


  3. You’re lucky to get hang out with Kathleen, and get inspired to do some writing in various ways. What a nice blog post, celebrating someone who gives of themselves, and a reminder of the power of “teachers teaching teachers,” too.


    1. Teachers are my favorite teachers. They walk the walk each and every day. And here we all are on SOL slicing and sharing our stories. It doesn’t get much better than this!


  4. This was the kindest, loveliest post! Thank you so much Barbara, for being such a supportive friend and for all you added to our discussion on diving bravely into blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great post to honor your dear friend. Sometimes all we need is an invitation to show up and words of encouragement to continue to show up. Kathleen has clearly done that for you and for others. Thanks for sharing. Happy writing and happy blogging!


  6. How great to have someone who can help you navigate the technicalities behind blogging! There are many aspects of the blog I have never figured out, even though I’ve played with it for six years. You are a life-long learner!


    1. I had to smile when I read your post because I think of you as a master blogger. Your writing is always so much fun and your bells and whistles always so creative, too. You were the first to encourage me to add photos, and now I can’t stop. Now I’d like to know how to move them to the center of the page! Not a biggie, I know, but I just can’t seem to figure it out. We actually did not talk about the technicalities, so I’m still pretty much on my own with that. But if I ever really get stuck, there is help available.


  7. Kathleen is the Queen of Student Blogging, among other things. She has encouraged me, as well; it’s hard to say no to a challenge when Kathleen is doing ten times more than I am! Her secret: she doesn’t actually sleep, just plugs herself in to charge and keeps on going!

    Thanks for sharing this reflection on the workshop, Barbara. BTW, I happened to stumble upon your Germany posts. An hour after you watched fireworks over the Spree, my family and I rang in the New Year with fireworks over the Thames! We had a great five days in London. I’ll tell you about it next time I see you.


  8. What a wonderful tribute! So wonderful when you have a partner in the National Writing Project. I can vouch for this, because my friend and I have been dedicated Heart of Texas Writing Project-ers here in Austin, TX. SOO wonderful to share everything you love about writing, reading and learning with a friend!

    Thanks and kudos to a fellow NWPer!


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